Facebook Memories: Charlie Alford

A few days ago, these photos popped up on good ol’ Facebook memories. With the blessing and curse that is social media, I do appreciate reminders of past years. This particular memory struck especially home. 7 years. How has it been 7 years?? “How time flies” is an obnoxious cliché, but ever so true.”

Anywho, because the story behind the photo is one of my favorite stories I thought I’d share.

In July 2014, after the girls and I got home from Normandy I was scanning the news for all things D-Day commemoration. It was a big year for Normandy (if you’ll pardon my grammar), the 70th anniversary was nothing to sneeze at. The veterans were largely in their late 80s at the time and still considerably active. I don’t recall the exact number of vets expected to attend that anniversary, but from my personal experience - Normandy was abounding with these treasured octo and nonagenarians.

Consequently a lot of articles were floating around afterwards. Combing through the news, one piece in particular struck me: A story about a Texas veteran and his journey back to the D-Day beaches with his son.

That was my introduction to Charlie Alford, 1st Lieutenant with the 6th Armored Division.

Hosted by Doug Dunbar (CBS Dallas), the short biopic expressed all the feelings. Charlie’s first time back to his battlefields was evocative, hopeful, healing, sincere, and inspiring. I was so moved by the piece that I emailed it to my mom and said, “I wish there was a way I could meet this guy.”

Fast forward a few months, the girls and I were in Dallas for a Veterans Day luncheon. The luncheon, organized by Daughters of WWII, was spectacularly laid out. There were so many World War II‘s present, you wouldn’t believe it looking back. Even former President Bush joined us briefly to pay tribute to the veterans. The day would have been overwhelming, if it wasn’t so wrapped up in joy. The girls and I just took everything in as best as we could.

During the program I looked around and there, a table over from us, I saw Charlie. I knew him immediately from the news piece and I was so excited. I just wanted to meet him, shake his hand, and thank him for the tears his story had left in my eyes and the warmth that touched my heart.

Now that I think about it, I don’t remember who initiated the conversation… Whether it was Charlie or me (he had such a gregarious personality, always talking with everyone), but the little meet and greet turned into one of the most beautiful and treasured friendships. I don’t know how long we stood there chatting, but I do know we were one of the last to leave the ballroom.

I learned a lot from Charlie in the few years I knew him. He would call me up sometimes and say, “How are the Meatball girls doing?” And when the girls and I hosted our parties at the old car museum in San Marcus (despite the multi-hour drive), Charlie never failed to show up.

He laughed, he made jokes, some of them absolutely outrageous. But there was so much integrity to his character. And real nobility. Christian nobility. His life had definitely been affected what happened to him in the war, but it didn’t define him.

I remember one day he told us a story of dropping a pickle jar, and watching it shatter on the ground, and refusing to let the human anger that boils up at moments like that manifest in the form of cursing. His life had changed after becoming a Christian, and that including the words he used. I was profoundly affected by this simple account. And it always remains in the back of my mind for whenever I am inconvenienced.

So that is my story. A providential meeting. A beautiful friendship. And a blessed life.

The original article is no longer available, but above is a segment Doug Dunbar did following Charlie’s passing in 2017. Incidentally, when this facebook memory popped up I was also reminded it would have been Charlie’s 100th Birthday.

Operation Meatball

Honoring Veterans & Connecting Them With the Youth of Today

Our American Birthright: Veterans Day 2021

Roy Huereque and Donald Long, two veterans who left a lasting impact on me.

A few weeks ago, a conversation I had led me to contemplate the birthright that is given to us as Americans. Birthright is kind of an archaic word, but absolutely invaluable. It is our inheritance, our legacy, a rightful privilege we receive at birth. Our birthright as Americans gives us the gift of freedom. Freedom to self regulate and self govern. With that freedom comes responsibility. The responsibility to tend to, care for, and protect our birthright.

“To whom much is given, much is required.”

This birthright, our freedom, has to be guarded. We all share the responsibility, true, but it’s not equally divided. Our military carries the burden of protection in a different manner than the civilian. Our military holds the line for the rest of us. A few men and women volunteer to make particular sacrifices and develop distinct disciplines so that the rest of us do not have to.

And that’s why we have a Veterans’ Day. To honor their service, their sacrifice, their discipline, their burden, and to say ‘thank you.’ It’s not hero worship. It’s recognizing that they have taken our place in line and made themselves available to protect America on behalf of the rest of us. Some years patriotism is in vogue, and other years it’s blacklisted. But our veterans stick it out, carrying the standard with pride. And for this, I will always be grateful.

A few years back, I listened as a veteran told me the story of a day when time stopped for him. Beneath the skies of Belgium, he watched the snow fall slowly and melt into nothingness on the open and exposed brain of the young paratrooper he held in his arms. He had tried to save the boy, but the surrounding snow was already stained red with the life of the young man.

The veteran was old, but still strong. I held his hand as he reflected on this painful memory. He was gentle, kind, and sincere. He had carried a Medic’s bag in the war instead of a rifle because he wanted to save life, not take away.

The entirety of our friendship, I never once heard him complain. His presence was like a warm hug. His sense of humor was charming. I cried bitterly when he died. But I never forgot that conversation.

“Liberty,” he had said in a smooth Virginia accent, “I love this country so much. As horrible as it all was, I would do it all again. At 95 it would be my greatest honor to take up arms for my country. That’s how much I love her.

There was no pomp in what he said. No clichés. It was pure and simple.

He loved America.

For him to have that experience, just one in many nightmarish experiences he had suffered, it was worth it. Worth it if it meant I - ME - Liberty Phillips - did not have to. That was it.

There is so much chaos in the world. So much disillusionment, hurt, pain, and so on. But I am convinced a grateful heart is a happy one. Gratitude doesn’t mean ignorance. Gratitude is choosing to not allow suffering and hardship to define who you are, and who you will be.

I am grateful for my veterans. My military family. For all it entails. “So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love…. And Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

Happy Veterans Day.

Operation Meatball

Honoring Veterans & Connecting Them With the Youth of Today

Celebrating the Marine Corps Birthday with a Short Run

Mission Accomplished

Run With Purpose, Finish With Pride

Happy birthday my dear, dear Marines. I must still love y’all loads because I ran another 26.2 miles for you and only you.

It was a different Marine Corps Marathon than in past years - they cancelled their in person somewhat last minute -but nevertheless, it was an amazing experience. Exhausting yes, I went straight from a long days work to hitting the pavement (and let’s not even get into my training regime) but at the same time exhilarating and thrilling.

It sounds corny, but the miles passed quickly as I went through my USMC memory box and pulled out mental tokens all the fine Marines I’ve known... Marines who adopted me as family and “helped to raise me” as I like to tell people jokingly, tho it’s mostly true.

Also the fine Marines we lost in August...

Anyways... I can hardly walk right now, but it feels good to feel this bad. Happy birthday.

Semper Fi and Hugs my Marines.

Operation Meatball

Honoring Veterans & Connecting Them With the Youth of Today