A Slightly Tardy Review of Our 70th VE Day / Memorial Day Party
/Last month, for the 70th anniversary of VE Day, and in remembrance of Memorial Day, Jubilee, Faith, and I decided it was time we held another party for our WWII Veteran friends in the area. In December, when we had the commemorative dinner, we held it at Dick's Classic Garage and Car Museum in San Marcos, Texas. The location was great and the museum spectacular, so we decided this was the place to have our party again.
It was a wonderful occasion of celebrating the allied Victory in Europe, 70 years ago, and remembering also those who paid the ultimate sacrifice with their lives so that victory and freedom, not just in Europe, but all throughout the world, might be treasured.
So instead of telling you a lot of little details about this and that -- who wore what, how many guests, what they ate etc. (just like you'd read in an old newspaper wedding announcement) -- I'll just let the pictures tell the rest!
Click Here for the Pictures
Thanks to Dick's Classic Garage and Museum for the use of their wonderful, wonderful venue; and many thanks to Trent Sherrill Photography for filming and capturing the afternoon for us!