Memorial Day with Roll Call

Grateful for spending an early Memorial Day with these 19 national treasures in Fort Worth yesterday.

Years ago when we first started going to Roll Call, the WW2 veterans were in their 80s, with an average monthly attendance of about 75 vets, sometimes capping out at 90 (almost hard to believe now we ever had that many WW2's in one room!). It's a little different now. The first veteran I ran into yesterday as he cheerfully walked in (without a cane or walker) announced to me he was 100. And the Korea and Vietnam War caps have replaced the WW2 and Pearl Harbor ones.

But the fighting spirit is the same. And as one dimpled 95 year old told us yesterday, "I'll see you next month!"

Operation Meatball

Honoring Veterans & Connecting Them With the Youth of Today