Virtual Iwo Jima Honor Walk


This weekend I am participating in the Best Defense Foundation virtual IWO JIMA HONOR WALK and I’d love for as many of you as possible to join.

I’ve said a hundred times, and I’ll say a hundred more: Iwo Jima is forever a piece of my heart. I was 7 years old when I met my first WWII veterans. One was a Marine Corps Colonel who had fought on the island. The other, his friend, was a P-51 pilot who flew off of Iwo Jima. Ever since, Iwo has been in my blood.

This year was the 76th anniversary, but it passed virtually unnoticed by the public. There were no reunions. No commemorations. And just a handful of local papers. But the few Iwo Jima Survivors who are left - they remember. And we will remember.

THIS IS WHY I’m walking to Honor my Iwo Vets on March 20.


My team is called, “FRANKS FRIENDS” for my dear friend and Iwo Jima Survivor, Frank Ponitsso USMC.


During WWII, Frank served in the 5th Marine Division and was in the first wave to storm the beaches of Iwo Jima. On the 12th day of battle he heard a marine call out “hit the deck.” Frank and two other Marines were struck by a mortar blast, but survived despite being seriously wounded. The last he remembered was receiving a shot of brandy from a corpsman after diving into his foxhole.

On being evacuated, Frank’s right arm was packed in ice, transported to a hospital ship, then Guam. A month later, gangrene set in, and his arm had to be amputated. For this great sacrifice, all he received was a Purple heart and a certificate from the government. But that didn’t matter to him. “The guys that deserve a Purple Heart are the ones that are buried there.” He told me.

And that’s how Frank lived his life. Always grateful. He passed away last winter, and the world lost one of its finest. I rarely use the word “hero”… because it’s a lot to put on someone. But Frank is my hero.

I’d love for as many of you as possible to join my team as we remember and honor the memory of Frank Pontisso on this 76th anniversary of Iwo Jima. Best Defense Foundation has put together a wonderful program. It’s completely FREE to sign up and participate. Though for a small donation, BDF has designed some some pretty great commemorative Iwo Jima merch which I highly recommend you include when signing up.

Iwo Jima Honor Walk - 76th Anniversary in Solana Beach, CA, Mar 20, 2021 -

To join my team, just click the TEAM button on the link below and enter FRANK’S FRIENDS in the Team Search button. It should pop up right away.

See ya virtually on March 20!

Short Reminiscence


If I’d known this time year that it was going to be the final Iwo Jima reunion, I don’t think I’d have changed a thing. I’ve thought of little else the last month. I just didn’t know what else to say that hasn’t already been said.

It was absolutely perfect.

There was this “last stand” feeling about it, even though we all made plans to meet up again the next year - 2021.

It’s weird not having my whole month blocked out and planned around the week in DC, galavanting around with my Marines, fighting over who pushes who in the wheelchairs, singing the Marine Hymn 10 times a day, and finding expired hearing aids batteries in my purse as a parting gift from my nonagenarians.

Semper Fi my Marines - till we meet again.